Solar Thermochemical Applications
▪ Material development & thermochemical applications → solar Η2/ syngas / oil from organic residue, solar CaO, solar sulfur, thermochemical energy storage
▪ Performance evaluation → High temperature & pressure reactors, solar simulator
▪ Application → Solar furnace
Battery materials
▪ Material development & optimization of synthesis methods for Li ion batteries → material synthesis units
▪ Performance evaluation → battery lab, advanced characterization (e.g., FTIR, Raman, X-Ray micro-tomography)
▪ Application → partners in battery development projects, use of (electric) vehicle evaluation infrastructure
Environment – Emissions Reduction
⮚ Emission reduction technologies for internal combustion engines
▪ Synthesis of catalytic nano-particles
▪ Construction of multifunctional systems of the reduction of soot particles, ΝOx, HCs and other Diesel and GDI vehicle pollutants
▪ Development of on-board sensors for control and smart operation of anti-pollution systems
▪ Simulation of anti-pollution systems and software development for their optimal operation
⮚ Internal combustion engine vehicles
▪ Evaluation of catalytic performance in lab and pilot scale
▪ Evaluation of anti-pollution technologies in driving cycles (WLTP, NEDC, FTP,...)
▪ Measurement of emissions in real driving conditions (RDE)
▪ Evaluation of the effect of vehicle emission in public health
▪ Environmental impact assessment of vehicle emissions
⮚ Electric vehicles: Study of the effect of the usage time and the charge and discharge rate of the battery on the morphology and structure of the active materials of the battery for their optimization